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PPK036 Kirby Muxloe (Council) School June 27th 1910 Group (C)_edited_edited.jpg

 Kirby Muxloe Council School 1910 

 Kirby Muxloe School

Kirby Muxloe Primary School was opened in 1910.
The following article was written in 2010 for the Centenary Celebrations 

Before the current school, there had been a National School, which stood at the junction of Ratby Lane and Glenfield Lane. Kirby Muxloe National School was situated at the corner of Glenfield Lane, in the building which became ‘Parsons Farewell’. It was built in 1858 and by the beginning of the twentieth century it was not big enough for the number of village children.

Leicestershire County Council decided a bigger school was needed:

  • In October 1908 a plot of land at the corner of Barwell Road and the public footpath was bought for £275.

  • In January 1909 the sum of £3,290 was allocated for building the new school.

  • By April 1909 the plans had been drawn up, and detailed instructions were given to the builders. All of the materials were of the best quality. For example the glazier was told that ‘all glass must be free from flaws and defects’. The work of the bricklayers, carpenters, tillers, plasterers, plumbers and painters was to be of similar high standard.

  • Bill of Quantities was drawn up, which gives an indication of the planning that took place and the standards that were involved. 

  • £15 was set aside to provide a school garden.

  • It took slightly less than a year for the school to be built and to be ready for opening.

Were you a pupil at Kirby Muxloe Primary School in the 1940's or '50's ?
Do you still have any of your class photographs ? If so, we would love to see it and take a copy. These memorabilia need to be saved! When they're gone, they're gone. Get in touch

Class of 1948
Class of 1961
National School K.M.

The National School, Ratby Lane, Kirby Muxloe
photograph The John Osband Collection

Opening Ceremony March 21st 1910

This started with a hymn “ O King of Kings”; the scholars led the singing.

Thomas Cope was Chairman of Leicestershire County Council and of the Education Committee and a very important man, and he was to open the school.

Many other people were present, including the Director of Education, Mr. William Brockington, the managers of the school and Mr. H. Holmes the new headmaster.

Mr Walter Brand, the architect presented Mr. Cope with a sliver key. On one side was engraved Mr. Cope’s Coat of Arms, and on the other “Presented to Alderman Thomas Cope J. P., to open Kirby Muxloe Council School, March 21st 1910, by the architect Walter Brand”.

Mr. Cope made a speech in which he made it clear how important it was for children to learn to read. He had much pleasure in declaring the school open.

More speeches followed and Mr. William Brockington, the Director of Education, was very keen on the teaching of practical work in schools.

After the ceremony was over, Thomas Cope and the other dignitaries went to Newbold Verdon where they opened another new school.

The New School 4th April 1910

Kirby Muxloe School 1910

Kirby Muxloe Primary School opened in 1910
Photograph The Will Walker Collection

K.M. School 1910

Kirby Muxloe Primary School
     The Will Walker Collection     

The new school was first opened to pupils on 4th April 1910.
There were 153 pupils on the roll.
The members of staff are as follows. Alongside each is the annual salary.

Mr. Harry Holmes (Headmaster) (£150)
Miss Annie Everard (£90)
Miss Catherine Bradbury (£47½)
Miss Amy Aylward (£40)
Mrs Holmes (£32½)

The Managers of the School:
Mr. Neville D. A. Richardson
Mr. F Islip
Mr. Willey
Mr. Ladkin
Mr. Haines
Rev. G. Postlethwaite (Curate of Kirby Muxloe)

Information for this article came from the following:
Mr. David Parsons O.B.E. C.C.
Mrs. S. Hundal
Mrs. C. Moore
Kirby Muxloe School Record Book 1910
The Leicester Daily Post 1910
The Leicester Journal 1910
The Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland
Author: Glynne Boobyer

Children at KM School 1910

Kirby Muxloe Primary School  June 17th 1910
Photograph The Will Walker Collection

K.M. Pupils 1927

Kirby Muxloe Primary School 1927 Joan Moore is second from the left middle row.  Joe Moore Collection

Mrs Moore 1948 class.jpg

Class of 1948 with teacher Mrs Moore. 

Class of 1948

Were you in Mrs. Moore's class in 1948? If so, do you recognise anyone in this photograph ? (reproduced here by kind permission of Colin Clarke). If you do, please contact us telling us the names and positions on the photograph of everyone you recognise.

Jennifer Bartoli has sent us this Sports Team photo from 1948:

1 John Mileham
5 Mr Jarvis
7 Martin Rowell
9 Mary Lally
10 --- Lally
12 Marjorie Hirons
14 Gillian Webster
15 Susan Penny
16 Jennifer Cliff
18 Raymond Bentley

June 1948 sports team

Class of 1949 

KM School class of 1961

Class of 1961

The photo above is of Mr Jarvis's class. We are indebted to Julia Sleight for adding all the names to this photograph it to us. 

Back row -  Peter Kelham, David Thacker, Richard March, Andrew Openshaw, Graham Beck, John Fanton,

Michael Langton, Stephen Bedder, Paul Franklin, Adam Nichols,  William English, Richard Parry.

Middle row - Alex Duthie, Stephen Hunter, Susan Gisbourne, Julie Terry, Pamela Widdowson, Janet Caple Jane Webster, Julia Price,   Robert Day, Brian Chamberlain, Hugh Taylor, Mr Jobbins.

Front row - Christine Stainforth, Susan Banks, Christine Larwood, Fiona Campbell, Margaret Hennesy, Lesley?, Jodie Evans,

Lesley Stokes, Gillian Goddard, Stephanie Walker, Janet Bird, Linda Collins, Susan Sharpe.

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Kirby Muxloe History Group

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This website was created with thanks to the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society Public Heritage fund.

Contributing to the archive

We are always looking for old pictures, slides, newspaper clippings, documents, etc... relating to Kirby Muxloe's past. Do you have any that we could borrow to copy or transcribe? Even "modern" events of the 1960's, 70's and 80's are of interest.
If so please send us a message

Will Walker photo

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